Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary : Bible Women

Eve  I have always enjoyed the story of Adam and Eve. What I like most about the story is that it has purpose. Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, disobeying God's command not to, she brings upon Sin into the human race. Also, Eve's disobedience caused women to have pain in childbirth and severe labor. Although the story of Eve is true, I think creating a cause and effect situation would be fun. Such as the reason we have chocolate milk is because there was a cow who disobeyed the farmer and swam in the pond and turned his skin brown and could only produce chocolate milk.

Hagar: I guess it was common even back in the day to have a surrogate mother when another cannot bare children anymore. It was interesting that Hagar carrying Abraham's child would cause tension because Sarah did not like that Hagar after she became pregnant. After reading more about the story in detail in the wikepdia article,  Sarah's name translates in Hebrew of a women of high ranks, such as a princess or noblewomen. I like the idea of using a name that has meaning to create and make up characters.

Rebekah: I like how caring and giving Rebekah is. She is compassionate and selfless, giving camels water and the servant. It seems like she tried very hard in everything but didn't gain anything. It was interesting how the birth of the twins did not only symbolize sibling and family conflict, but conflict that would affect other generations and nations in the future.

Deliah: Deliah's significance is very intersting because she is a prominent woman figure in the Bible that resembles temptation and betrayal. I love how each woman in this Biblical unit has an important meaning and symbolic value.

(Delilah and Samson, by Lucas Cranach)

Stories' source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 

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