Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Growth Mindset : Grow in your other classes

I love a Challenge meme

Growth Mindset 

So for this week, I did the growth mindset challenge "Grow in your other clases". I thought about each class I am taking and the different challenges each class imposes. For example, my principles of personal training class is a lot more difficult than I thought! The first unit was basically a mini anatomy/physiology unit with a lot of detailed and intense science information. Not being an HES major, I struggled with this unit and really struggled on my first quiz. Since I knew this class was going to be hard, I decided to work a little extra, preparing for each class and studying everyday. I decided to enjoy this class and welcome the challenges that it brings. By doing this, I actually look forward to going to class, taking pages of intense notes, studying everyday, and looking up countless of information online to better understand the topics. AND because I accepted the challenge and learned to "roll" with it, I got a B on my first test and A's on the rest of the quizzes for that unit. I have learned so many new things and I can't wait for what the rest of the semester in that class has in store for me.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, WAY TO GO! I really admire your tenacity in that class! I actually enrolled in the same course last summer (so it was only supposed to last about a month), and after about two class periods of sitting there for two hours trying to follow along with the intense anatomy/physiology lessons/reviews (they were supposed to be review for a lot of people, I think, but not me), I dropped the class. It was a lot more intense than I thought it would be, too! haha

    I'm really glad that you decided to keep at it! It says a lot about a person who sticks with something they KNOW is going to be hard.
