Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 5 Diary Reading : Persian Tales

For my reading diary this week, I choose to read Persian Tales  from the Middle Eastern Unit.

The Wolf and the Goat 
Mother goat is a tough and protective mother! She went straight after her kids and brought them back, killing the wolf at the same time. I wonder what the end of the story would be if the mother goat did not win?

Smithsonian National Zoo

The Boy Who Became a Bulbul
So strange that the father and son agreed to cut the other's head off. Who kills their son over firewood!? At least the sister was rewarded and the evil stepmother was punished. Stepmothers always seem to awful and evil. 

The Wolf Aunt
Always listen to your wife! Women are always right, haha ;) Loved this story! The story reminded me of the famous story of Hansel and Gretel. I thought the plot was very creative and very interesting. I wanted to keep reading and figure more out about this mysterious sister! It is a little eerie though. Glad the women and children got away, but man does that stink for the husband! 

The Sad Tale of the Mouse's Tail
Love the play on words in the title with "tale" and "tail". Love how the story keeps building from each of the requests of the different animals. I thought it was a great nursery rhythm. I wonder if the mouse ever got his tail sewed back on?

Source: Persian Tales Translated by D.L.R Larimer and E.O Lorimer, Illustrated by Hilda Roberts (1919).

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