Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mythology and Folklore Storybook Topics

1. Possible Topic :  Animals. I am an avid animal lover so I think a storybook with animals or an animal as the topic would be interesting for me and enjoyable to create. I like the idea of using a frametale with animals as the storytellers, such as Tales of a Parrot, where a parrot tells the story. After going through the topic list, I think I would want to focus on a "real" animal, and not a mythological one.
Research : After researching through past projects, the un-textbook, and other online sources, I found of a lot of good information and research. The past project, Old Cat + New Puppy + Aesop's Fables = Life Lessons, has a cat as a frame-teller and the author retold/re-wrote a story from Aesop's Fables from the cat's perspective. I enjoyed this approach while still incorporating original work from Aesop's Fables. I liked a bunch of images from Winter's Aesop such as the picture below because they provide an accurate illustration that helps you imagine the story in your head. 

2. Possible Topic : Fairy Tales. This topic caught my attention because who doesn't like a good fairy tale? I agree with what I read on the topic page  and want to defiantly steer away from Disney and maybe try to expand my horizon and think of some different fairy tales to retell or use as the basis of my storybook. I ran across the The Ugly Duckling from Andrew Lang's Fairy Books and am familiar with the story but was more importantly intrigued with the meaning behind the story.

Research : I looked further into the fairy tale on wikipedia and found that there might have been some other motivation to the story. Instead of using this story as a metaphor for inner beauty, it is speculated that it can also be a metaphor for secret royal linage. I found that interesting and possibly fun to use other morals, themes, adaptations, and metaphors to retell the story. Maybe in current day situation?

3. Possible Topic : Nursery Rythmes. Nursery rhythms are shorter than fairy tales and could be an advantage to myself to expand on an idea and use my imagination without any limitation. Some nursery rhythms are hard for me to interpret so I had to do some research to understand the basics and plot summaries. I feel since the rhythms are so short, there is a lack of detail, so the interpretation I could take on the nursery rhythms have endless opportunities and no limits. 
Research : . I looked as some past storybooks about nursery rhythms from last semester and loved the creativity and interpretation they took. There was only 2 storybooks that had nursery rhythms as their topics. Both were based off of The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright. There are endless amount of nursery rhythms in The Real Mother Goose and I feel like I could intertwine some of these rhythms together with the same character or using individual stories that happen to affect the next story in the book.

4. Possible Topic : Urban Legends. The title "urban legends" caught my attention instantly. I expected a lot of the topics on the topics list to be very ancient, and traditional. But in fact, a lot of topics included football, love, college life, marriage, animals, food, and so on. Football would be a very fun topic because I love the sport and have so many personal experiences with Football since I have front row tickets every game;) (hence being a cheerleader).

Research : I found so many topics on that were so interesting. For example, the Food topic had so many interesting urban myths about foods such as Walmart great value ice cream not melting and how the Chinese are raising St. Barnards for food . I was actually so sad about the St. Barnards myth turing out to be true.

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