Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: Bible Women Continued

The Witch of Endor It is interesting that the witch was more of a medium in the story who sees the ghost of Samuel rising. It seems a little eerie and adds a bit up mystery and uncertainty to the story.

Bathsheba I find it interesting and a little amusing how the story "tiptoes" around the fact that Bathsheba and David have sexual relations and conceive a child. The scene is very straightforward and to the point "And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house." All of the stories in this unit have a way of describing things in a different and unusual way. I would have to say definitely love at first sight. 

Bathsheba, by Gerome
I also love how curvy and voluptuous women were depicted back in the day and how men believed they were the most beautiful women they had ever seen. David did day he say the most beautiful woman and wanted her.

Mary and Anna I have heard of Anna The Prophetess before, but didn't realize she was so different from a lot of other of the Bible Women. She stayed single and did not remarry and instead prayed and fasted all night. She committed herself complete and entirely to God and it makes me wonder if this was foreshadowing the Nun lifestyle?

I like how all the different stories in this unit flow together and build upon each other. You have to read each of the stories completely and in order to understand the next one the in unit. The unit flows really well and I hope my storybook can flow really well as well.

However, even though this unit is derived from the Bible, the language is a little bit hard to understand. I had to look up the background on the wikipedia links and look up the definition some of the harder words. I want to use complex and creative language, but to where my audience understands my stories easily.

This story is part of the Bible Women unit. Story source: King James Bible (1611)

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