Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset

I had never heard of the growth mindset before until this class. After watching the videos, I became very interested in the growth mindset and was eager to learn more. 

I can relate personally to the growth mindset. I am a perfectionist, always trying to make everything I do in cheer, school, relationships, and every aspect of my life correct and perfect.  My biggest challenges in learning new things is not learning the material and understanding it fully, but instead being able to regurgitate it perfectly and correctly to get the best grade possible. I struggle with anxiety and knowing that I didn't complete or do something flawlessly, makes me very nervous and worried.

The growth mindset videos allowed me to realize that challenges and failure is okay. Challenges should be exciting and something I should want to do in order to broaden my mind, experiences, and opportunities.  Last semester, I got mostly B's and one A. I was crushed that my perfect 4.0 was ruined. Instead, after a lot of convincing from friends and family, I learned to except it. My classes were all upper division and challenging and to do absolutely perfect in all of them AND maintaining a social life, being an OU cheerleader, and taking care of myself mentally and emotionally was something so unrealistic and far fetched. 

I am much happier knowing that life is a journey, not a destination. You will never be completely satisfied and should never try to be perfect. Life is continuous and so are the challenges that it brings. Being able to get through life and challenges is way more rewarding that perfecting every detail on the way.

I definitely want to learn more about the growth mindset and apply different growth mindset challenges throughout the rest of the semester. I think learning more about the growth mindset could help me not work in just this class, but other classes and cheer as well. 

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