Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Un- Textbook Overview

After browsing the different units in the Un-Textbook, I have decided that I want to read the Bible Women for my Week 2 reading and Alice in Wonderland for my Week 3 reading.

Bible Women. I have always have had a strong Christian faith growing up and I think I would enjoy the readings and understand them better. I also find details about the Bible and aspects of Christianity very intriguing and would love to learn more and dig further into the content.

 Alice in Wonderland. I loved the Disney version growing up and am very familiar with all different story versions of Alice in Wonderland. It will be very interesting to read different stories about Alice in Wonderland in the Un-Textbook. I have always been a big fan of Disney and this unit immediately caught my eye.

Some other units I found interesting and perhaps possibilities for future readings include Nursery Rhythms and Cupid and Psych.

Nursery Rhymes . I am such a kid at heart and can relate to a lot of the nursery rhymes described in this unit. It is rather fun to go back and digest something that you once did when you were young.

Cupid and Psych. I learned about Greek Gods and Goddess in sixth grade and am a love story fanatic. I really enjoy romance stories and I think the love story of Cupid and Psych will be very fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed creating that Bible Women unit, Bailey! But it was so hard deciding which women to include... because that also meant I had to leave some women out. IMPORTANT NOTE: for Week 3, it's Bible or Classical units, so you could read Cupid and Psyche in Week 3. The idea is that the semester comes in these two-week sections. Alice is in the British section, which comes in the later part of teh semester. And you can read BOTH Alice books if you want; Alice in Wonderland is one, and then there is a sequel which you will find in another unit: Alice's Adventures Through the Looking-Glass. They are both so much fun!
