Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Reading Diary Week 9 : American Indian Tales Continued

How The Summer Came
A time when there was no summer on earth? How crazy and sad! The long lasting winter kinda remind me of the movie Frozen. I like the idea how something so simple (summer) not existing in the story and the characters are forced to bring summer to earth. I could see myself retelling this story using something simple in life other than summer.

The Fairy Bride 
I love the great use of descriptive words and imagery in this story.
"Neen-i-zu had never grown to be much larger than a child. She had a graceful, slender body, little hands and feet, eyes black as midnight, and a mouth like a meadow flower."
"Blood-red blossoms flamed in her jet-black hair; in her hand she held a bunch of meadow flowers mingled with the tassels of the pine."
 I like the plot twist of how Neen-i-zu became a bride afterall by marring another fairy instead of the tribe hunter. I wonder what would have happened if she married the tribe hunter then divorced him to be with the fairy or cheated on him with the fairy? I could maybe retell this story as a love affair. How interesting and intriguing! 


American Indian Fairy Tales by W.T. Larned, with illustrations by John Rae (1921).

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