"Well good thing Father left us an enormous trust fund to live off of for the rest of our lives so we don't have to worry about money," said Logan.
"Yes true, but I know your father wanted both of you to learn how to work at a real job and make your own wealth for your future families. The trust fund is a backup and should be a reward when you both had made your own way in life," explained Henry.
"Well each of our trust funds are left in our name, meaning we own the entire thing. I would like mine transferred to my bank account first thing tomorrow morning Henry," demanded Logan.
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Trust Fund |
"Yes, of course. Anthony, how about you?" asked Henry.
"Keep it in the trust fund account. I have a job interview tomorrow. I want to only use it if I have to," said Anthony.
The next day, Anthony dressed in his best suit and set out to JP Morgan Chase for his interview while Logan planned luxurious and extravagant parties every weekend for the next few months. Logan also purchased a private jet, 4 new sport cars, a private yacht, and an abundance of designer clothes from
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JP Morgan Chas, New York (By Ben Sutherland) |
Anthony was hired on and started his new 8 to 5 job. Henry was very pleased and helped Anthony complete projects, invest his money, start a new savings account, and live completely on his own.
Meanwhile, Logan continued to wallow in his trust fund. Continued to live at the family mansion, drink expensive champagne all day, and never lifting a finger to do anything product.
A few months went by and Anthony got promoted to CEO of JP Morgan Chase. His return on his investments were through the roof, and his savings account was so large that he would be able to solely live off of it for the rest of his life. Anthony moved out of the family mansion and moved into his own mansion, one even bigger and luxurious than the family one.
One morning, Henry went out to the outdoor private pool, to deliver a letter and some news to Logan.
"What's this?" interrogated Logan, holding the letter in his hand.
"It is a letter of eviction. You have spent all of your father's money he left behind and your trust own trust fund. You have 24 hours to move out. As for all of your things, they are being sold in order to pay off all the debt you owe," said Henry.
"WHAT! You cannot do that! That isn't possible!
"Oh yes it is," laughed Henry.
"You can't leave me. Where do you think you are going to live and who do you think you're going to work for now?" yelled Logan.
"Oh that has already been arranged. I am serving as Anthony's butler and living in his brand new and very plentiful guest house. You won't be needing me anymore, goodbye Logan," said Henry as we walked away.
Logan was forced to move out and live on the streets due to his ack of his money and responsibly.
Meanwhile, Anthony and Henry lived in his mansion together. Since Anthony worked for himself and made its own fortune, without touching his trust fund, Henry gave Anthony his father's secret account, which was worth way more than his trust fund.
Needless to say, Anthony lived happily and comfortably for the rest of his life as a humble man.
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Anthony's Mansion (by Jason Frye) |
Author's Note :
I wrote this story after the The King, the Hermit, and the two Princes by Maude Barrows Dutton. The original story is about a King who passes away and his friend, the Hermit, is left in charge of his treasure and is only allowed to give it to the son who goes through hardship, works, and becomes a noble man. The first son automatically assumes the role of king, while the other goes to the Hermit for advice and direction. The second son learns how to be a noble man and his rewarded the treasure. The other, blows all of the money and sends the kingdom into poverty and chaos. There is a reflection of a new king, and the noble bother wins. Anthony and Logan represent the two sons and Henry represents the Henry, the father's friend. Logan is the prince who blows all the money and doesn't work while Anthony makes a living for his own and moves up in life, being rewarded the ultimate treasure, his trust fund AND his father's secret account. I placed this story in New York City since it seems very prestigious and noble, just like a kingdom. Also, JP Morgan Chase is also a very prestigious company, perfectly suited for Anthony to work in.
Source : The King, the Hermit, and the two Princes. (The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton, with illustrations by E. Boyd Smith, 1908.)
This is really a very good story. I enjoyed reading it and I liked your way of telling this story. I read a lot of stories about the same idea like how some people are not responsible at all and they just want to spend their money without even thinking in their future and caring about anything else, but always the end was the same as you did in your story because that's exactly what happening now in our life. it was so interesting to read your story and know what changes you made from the original story. Great job!