Zoology 1114
It was the first day of the new semester at the University. The cursed "if you walked underneath it" clock tower rang at every hour, playing the famous state song Oklahoma for all of campus to hear. The bike lane was congested with new freshman, confused why they were almost killed while walking to their first day of class.
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Bike Lane, (Source OU Daily) |
Adam, a freshman, was excited for his first day of college. He crossed the busy intersection on Lindsey that separates the South Oval from the dorms, and strolled into Dale Hall with a rush of excitement and nervousness.
He logged onto Ozone to see which room number his first class, Zoology 1114, was located.
"Ah! 212. I think that means second floor," pondered Adam. He made his way up the crowded stars, swung a left, and found himself standing outside of an enormous and old lecture room.
Timidly, Adam looked around for a familiar face to sit with on the first day. Feeling flustered because he did not know a single soul in the room, he quickly found a seat in the middle of the room, hoping to blend in with others.
As the clock struck 10:30, the Professor stood on the stage in front of the rookie students, patiently waiting for their undivided attention.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Greg-Orey Donalds. I will be your professor for Zoology 1114. Now this class..."
The Professor's voice was cut off as the big doors in the back swung open.
A young and beautiful girl walked in. Her cheeks were red from the embarrassment of walking into class late.
"Sorry I'm late," mumbled the girl.
"Oh no worries! Everyone is forgiven on the first day. Looks like there is only one open seat left, over there in the middle."
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Dale Hall |
Adam glanced to his right and noticed that the open seat was next to him. The girl started to shuffle across the room to the open seat. She sat down, accidentally nudging Adam's arm with her backpack.
"I'm so sorry!"
"No you're fine! First days are always awkward. I'm Adam."
"I'm Eve. Nice to meet you."
"This class is very hard and will require a lot of studying. I promise to make Zoology 1114 interesting and enjoyable, as long as you all give 100%. I do have one rule though : Do not, use, share, or distribute test files to others. I know that my tests are on the internet and I ask that you not look for them or use them. If you do, there will be consequences. Deal? Alright, let's take a look at the first chapter," said the Professor.
Three weeks went by, and Adam and Eve enjoyed seeing each other every Tuesday and Thursday in class. They had the same interests and got along very well.
During the fourth week, the Professor announced that the first exam would take place in a week. "Please study hard and I will see you all next Thursday."
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(The Bizzell Memorial Library by Michael Barera) |
A swarm of nervous freshman students walked out of Dale Hall that morning. Eve said goodbye to Adam and walked towards the Bizzell Library to hit the books.
Strolling along, Eve heard someone hollering her name. "Eve! Eve! Wait up!" It was Steve Serpent, the Alpha Sigma Phi pledge.
"Hey Steve! What's up?"
"Oh nothing, just going to see my frat brothers at the Union. What are you doing later?"
"Just studying. I'm heading to the Biz now to get started for the big Zoo test coming up."
"Oh. You're actually going to study?" asked Steve.
"Well yeah of course! I really want to get into med school!"
"Don't waste your time. Enjoy college. I have the test files for all of the zoology tests. Just look over them and you'll ace it."
"No I can't! That is against the rules and is an academic integrity issue. I'm sorry but I can't give in!" Eve said sensibly.
"Oh come on. Alpha Sigma Phi is having a HUGE party tonight and I would love for you to make it. There will be jello shots, beer pong tournaments, and a margarita machine. You are young and in college for only four years. Have some fun. You can attend med school when you are old."
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South Oval |
"Sweet! I'll email them to you and can't wait to see you at the huge party tonight!"
The test file put Eve's mind to ease and relieved the pressure to get an A. She couldn't help but share her secret with Adam. She liked Adam and thought he was cute. She emailed him the files and Adam too felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
Next Thursday rolled around and the mob of naive freshman entered Dale Hall, carrying number 2 pencils and green scantrons. "You have the whole class period to finish the test. Eyes on your own papers. Good luck!" said the Professor.
Adam and Eve both breezed through the test and walked out of the room relieved and confident.
That is, until they both received an email from the Professor on Friday morning, instructing them to meet him in his office immediately.
Adam and Eve walked cautiously into Professor Greg-Ory Donald's office and took a seat.
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OU Campus (by Nicholas Benson) |
"Do you know why you are in here?" asked the Profesor. Adam and Eve exchanged looks and then stared at the Profesor silently.
"You both cheated by studying test files instead of actually studying the material. I had one rule in my class and you both broke it."
"Eve,you fell into temptation by accepting test files from other students and passed it along to Adam."
"And Adam, you fell into temptation by using and accepting the test files Eve sent to you."
"You both knew this was wrong and instead you both did it. Now there is going to be severe punishment. Eve, you will be rejected from every med school you apply to. And Adam, you will endure very painful and awkward job interviews for a minimum wage job. This consequence will now apply to anyone who uses test files in the future."
And from that day forward, many students received rejection letters from medical school and encountered uncomfortable job interviews for low-paying jobs.
Author's Note: I based this storytelling off the original Biblical story Adam and Eve. I kept the two main characters (Adam and Eve) the same from the original story. I also told the story in the same order as the original story. However, I did change some factors of the plot. For instance, I changed the scene from Garden of Eden to an OU Campus setting, involving typical freshman experiences such as the cursed clocked tower and the mistake of walking in the bike lane. The Professor symbolizes God and I modeled him after the great professor, Dr. Doug Gaffin of Zoology. In my opinion, Dough Gaffin was the "god" of zoology when I took the class my freshman year. He was a hard teacher, but also one of the most favorite professors on campus. If you look closely, all of the capitalized letters of the professor's name are capitalized, and when put together they spell out GOD : Greg-Ory Donald. When I refer to him as just Professor, the "P" in professor is always capitalized due to God's name always being capitalized in writing. Steve Serpent represents the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the fruit from the tree. In my story, Steve persuades Eve to break the rule and use the test files. Since God inflicted the punishment of painful labor on Eve and all women to come, Eve in this story (and all future "wanna be" med student) were punished too. I had a lot of fun writing this story in a real life setting!
Thee original story is part of the Bible Women unit. (Original Story source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 2 and Genesis 3.)
Bailey, I loved your “Zoology 1114” story! I thought it was so clever how you turned a classic story into a modern one! After reading your story, I went back and looked at your formatting and spacing. I really liked how you separated your paragraphs throughout the story. Having shorter paragraphs made it a lot easier to read and kept me engaged in the story. I also really liked how you used a lot of quotes. This made me understand the characters on a deeper, more personal level. Aside from formatting, I really liked the font choices and backgrounds used. The cream background with black writing made the story “easy on the eyes.” I also really enjoyed your blogs pink background! I could really tell you personality through your design choices and writing style. The only thing I would recommend is adding a few more pictures throughout the story! Overall, great job! You are a great writer!
ReplyDeleteI started reading your story and thought it was pretty interesting, but then when I got to the part where the boy and girl said their names I think I let out a little gasp! I just didn't expect that to be the way the story was going, but I really liked it. That made me intrigued to see how you would turn their story into your story. I wonder what would have happened had that professor not had such strict policies, maybe both of them would have gone on to cheat lots more in college? I agree with Madison^ a few more picture would have been nice. But really great details and story overall!
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this story I was so excited that you placed Adam and Eve today's time with our university! Honestly, I laughed so much when Steven convinced Eve to use those test files. His excuse to not study is the same excuse I always hear when I choose to study over going to some party. The consequences for Adam and Eve were so extreme, but honestly very realistic. Anyone with academic misconduct on their record is going to be rejected from medical school. It's just not worth it! Good job on your story!
ReplyDeleteI honestly loved this story! It was so interesting to read, and I loved that the professor was named Greg-Orey Donalds (God). The characters were so interesting and it's great that you put them at present-day OU.
ReplyDeleteI liked that you made it test files, it really gave the story a very relatable feeling. I wonder though how the story could have been had Eve not been tempted right away. Maybe draw out the story a bit and have Steve try to convince her over a period of time, and then, in a moment of weakness, she just kind of gives in. I also wonder what happened to Adam, since Eve was the only one who was really punished (even though that's kind of how it is in the Bible).
The layout of your page/story is great. I like that there is a lot of dialogue, and that you broke up the story into sections with multiple paragraphs throughout. It makes it much easier to read. The colors are also really calm, which makes it nice to read as well. I love all the links to the pictures that you have, especially the ones of our campus!
This story was great. Good job!
I liked your spin on this story! Having it set on the OU campus really made it believable, since we've all been around campus and know the struggles of our first class, the bike lane, etc. The naming of the characters was pretty funny, and even though I had a good idea of what would happen at the end, the setting and characters made it fun to read.
ReplyDeleteBailey, I loved this story! You honestly had me hooked when I just read the title of this story: that it was a modern Adam and Eve story set at OU! I also loved how you used the names to relate to the original names of the characters in the Bible story. The only things I would suggest revising would be to explain why they got expelled. If a student cheats and is proven that they did, aren't they given a warning by the university and then expelled if they do it again? Also, how did the professor automatically know that Adam and Eve cheated? Did he somehow hack into their email accounts? Did another student tell on them? Other than those questions, I thought your story was very creative. I loved it! Overall, it was a great story and I look forward to reading more of your work for this class!
ReplyDeleteHey Bay!! I loved this story! I was going through your portfolio to try and figure out which story I wanted to read and this one really caught my eye. It was a fun story to read because of the familiarity of the Adam and Eve story and the familiarity of it being placed on our campus. I like the details you used in your first paragraph that were specific to OU such as the clock tower and the bike lane. Even though I have never taken Zoology I can totally imagine this story in a real life setting. I also read the story Adam and Eve one week and really enjoyed it, I’m glad you chose to write a story based off of it. The pictures of our campus throughout your story were really pretty and I think are a great addition! I also liked all the dialog you used, it created a great flow to your story. Keep up the great writing!!
ReplyDeleteBailey, I loved reading your story! Making Adam and Eve into a modern day, college campus story was genius! Once I started reading I couldn't stop! One thing I will say that I'm a little confused about is how did the professor know that Adam and Eve cheated? Did he put questions on the test only someone would know that looked at old tests or did someone else turn them in? You could expand on that a little bit. The pictures of campus you included were great, and I love that you incorporated actual facts from campus as well! You also might think about sending this story to Breea Clark in the academic integrity office! I know that academic integrity is a big part of OU and I think she would enjoy it! (lol) Overall I really enjoyed reading your story! Keep up the good work! I hope you enjoy the rest of your semester and I look forward to reading more from your portfolio!
ReplyDeleteI just read your Week 3 Storytelling: Zoology 1114 as my free choice reading this week. I really enjoyed it! I grew up in a Christian-based home so I have heard the story of Adam and Eve over my entire life. Your modern-day adaptation of the story was perfect! I really liked all the detail you put into it, from how Adam and Eve met to the type of temptation they would face. I think adding the modern twist really made it relatable and was a funny way to draw the readers in.
ReplyDeleteI also liked how you used as severe of a punishment as Eve not getting into a single med school and Adam struggling to find a job. It struck me as funny reading it from the perspective of a professor having that kind of power over a student’s life. However, relating it to the power of God in the story of Adam and Eve, it was nothing! It really prompted me to think about how intense that moment was that, according to the Bible, it brought sin, pain and suffering to humanity for the rest of time. WOW.
Overall, really good work! The only suggestion I would have is to maybe change how your profile links on you blog site. Whenever you go to the portfolio label, it pulls up the title of the story with pictures underneath that makes it look like you can click there and it’ll take you down to the story. When I clicked though, it just took me to a slideshow of the photos. I got confused as to how to find the stories and whether what I was reading was even part of your portfolio, so maybe clearing up the navigation would help!
ReplyDeleteI’m from the Indian Epics class and I knew the second I read your story title and its description that it was going to be awesome! I love when we are able to tell stories with a modern twist to it. I absolutely love the little details you put here and there that made the story more familiar. Your little comment on the clock tower, south oval, ozone, etc. made it relatable but I was wondering how you were going to interpret the story of Adam and Eve. Once I got to the part of the story that talked about the exam files, I realized how you were going to accomplish that. You did a great job in using exam files as the forbidden fruit! It was very creative. Another thing that I absolutely love in any story is humor. After Adam and Eve get in trouble, the severe punishments, especially the painful and awkward job interviews, were hilarious! You did an amazing job on this story!!
Hey, I just read this story along with ABC's Bachelor. I choose that I had a better connection with this story. Also I really liked both your stories, you are a good writer. All the modern day stories are also great. I always stick to old ones or more fantasy like. In this story Zoology 1114 you did a great job! I love that you used all actually places here on campus at OU. It made picturing the entire story really vivid. I couldn't help but wonder what someone would think who hasn't been on campus though? It would be interesting. The ending was my favorite and my least favorite at the same time. I like how the end punishments were pretty extreme just like in Adam and Eve. At the same time I did not like the punishments and was hoping Adam and Eve would end up going out in your story. Overall because of all the OU landmarks and names it was easy for me to make a connection to this story.
ReplyDeleteHey Bailey! I really enjoyed reading your “Zoology 1114” adaptation of the original Adam and Ever story! I really liked that you used a realistic setting that a lot of people can relate to. I remember taking Zoo ad being terrified, and it would have been even scarier if we hadn’t been allowed to use test files! I think the situation you used was a great parallel to the actual story with the “serpent” and both falling to the power of temptation. I think this was my favorite part because it was vey realistic to something that would happen on campus. I fee like that is the mindset of a lot of college kids, and it is easy to find a way out of studying to do other things. The pictures helped to set the mood and also really helped to imagine being there with Adam and Eve. This was a very creative way to retell the story, and I think you did a fantastic job!
ReplyDeleteHey Bailey! I was really intrigued by how you had described your story so I had to click and read. I think that your premise was really well set up and everyone is familiar with Zoo class. I thought it was interesting how you changed the professor’s initials to spell out GOD if you paid attention. I also thought that you did a good job reinterpreting the original story into your own. Parties can be super tempting, especially your freshman year because it is all so new. Test files are also everywhere you look so that all seemed realistic to how college life is, good job! I do think it a bit odd that the professor just knew that the two students had cheated and exactly how it happened, so maybe look at explaining that? Otherwise I think you did a really great job with the Adam and Eve story!
ReplyDeleteHi Bailey What an awesome story! I picked this story to read out of your Portfolio because I was really intrigued by the description--and the way that you translated the setting and characters of Adam and Eve from the original story to the modern day was very, very clever! All the original details that you put in were also awesome (such as capitalizing the "P" in Professor and having his initials spell out "GOD") as well as the nods to OU's campus, with the bell tower and the bike lane! The only thing I was a bit confused about was how the Professor knew that Adam and Eve had cheated on the tests--even just a hint of an explanation would be great, especially if it was only a hint because then we could wonder if the Professor really was omniscient or not! Anyway, great job on this very amusing and awesome story, and good luck as you finish up the rest of the semester!